January 24, 2018 – DERMS Presentation with CEATI at DistribuTECH

January 11, 2018

GridBright and CEATI International will be making a joint presentation at the DistribuTECH 2018 conference titled


Impacts on Distribution Operations when Integrating DER.

The presentation identifies the major impacts of DERs on grid operations, and provides a solution roadmap for utilities to guide their DER integration efforts.

The joint CEATI-GridBright presentation will take place on Wednesday, January 24 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM as part of the Enterprise Grid Management Track. The presentation is based on a comprehensive research project completed by GridBright in 2016/2017 with support from CEATI International and utilities from across the U.S. and Canada. The full report, CEATI SGTF-3804, was published in 2017.

As DERs continue to grow in number and magnitude, they impact utilities in unprecedented ways. GridBright and CEATI have been collaborating on DER integration research since 2015. In addition to the previous project focused on distribution, two new projects will identify impacts of DER on transmission and market system operations, and help specific host utilities to develop more customized roadmaps for integrating DER.

An important new technology solution for integrating DERs is Distributed Energy Resources Management Systems (DERMS). GridBright and CEATI have been educating the industry by offering seminars on DERMS. A seminar on DERMS Fundamentals and Implementation Considerations was presented at the CEATI 2017 T&D Conference. The presentation slides are available at gridbright.com. The next presentation on DERMS will be presented by GridBright on January 22, 2018 as part of the DistribuTECH 2018 Utility University Program and is titled “Implementing DERMS to meet the challenges of distributed resources integration”.

“DER growth presents new challenges and opportunities for utilities. We look forward to partnering with utilities to implement the research solutions we have developed jointly with CEATI,” said Ali Vojdani, CEO of GridBright.

Full Press Release


Get a copy of the DERMS presentation.

Register for the Distributech UU Courses on OMS and DERMS

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