CEATI Report by GridBright Provides Insights into how Utilities use Network Models

April 8, 2022

CEATI Report by GridBright provides insights into how utilities use network models and how the critical data these models need are maintained and curated.


GridBright announces the publication of its report on how utilities use network models to address the challenges of expanding distributed energy resources, the demand for higher grid resiliency, and operating the grid within tighter operational limits.

The report, “Network Modeling and Data Governance,” results from a collaborative research study by GridBright and CEATI International. The research was sponsored and supported by the CEATI Distribution Operations and Automation Interest Group participants, including EPCOR, Fortis Alberta, Hydro One Networks, Idaho Power, and Saskatoon Light & Power.

Managing the distributed and sustainable grid of the future will require sophisticated grid management software simulations that critically depend on data that must be cleaned, maintained, and managed on an ongoing basis. Understanding the industry’s current state in this critical task and defining the requirements for future grid management applications was the key focus of this vital research.

The study documented specific network model elements and parameters for a diverse set of model applications, including OMS, FLISR, VVO, and DER integration. The 115-page report also provided insights into critical data quality and data governance topics, including data readiness, industry standards, network modeling software, and data governance best practices.

The research reported in this study continues the collaboration between GridBright and CEATI into the critical elements for successfully building and operating a secure and sustainable electric grid. For more details on the study please contact CEATI directly: www.ceati.com/contact-us.

About CEATI | CEATI is a user-driven organization committed to providing impactful solutions to our utility members, leveraging the benefits of our powerful network and technical expertise. We harness innovation and collaboration to advance the industry via specialized interest groups covering all areas of power generation, transmission, and distribution. To learn more, visit CEATI.com.

About GridBright | GridBright®️ securely and sustainably integrates utility grid systems with services spanning the entire utility value chain, including grid interconnection and utility operational systems integration. GridBright®️ is an employee-owned company with an entrepreneurial culture. We are proud of our high employee retention and customer satisfaction record. Our BetterGrids Repository (BetterGrids.org) enables the exchange of publicly available grid data among researchers in 45 countries. To learn more, visit GridBright.com.

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