Dr. Ali Vojdani launches GridBright, Inc.

July 24, 2013

Dr. Ali Vojdani has 40 years of experience related to electric grid R&D, consulting, and computer applications. He has served over 100 electric utilities around the world.


Over the last 15 years, Dr. Vojdani has founded and successfully grew several technology startups including GridBright, Inc., Utility Integration Solutions, Inc., and UISOL Software, LLC. Earlier he worked for McGill University, Pacific Gas and Electric, EPRI, Perot Systems, and Vitria Technology.

His work on demand response management systems resulted in the market leading software DRBizNet that was acquired by ALSTOM (Now GE) in 2011. Implementation of DRBizNet at PJM Interconnection received Project of the Year award at DistribuTech 2008. His work on Hydro-Thermal Resource Scheduling at PG&E received the prestigious Franz Edelman Finalist Award for innovative use of operations research and the management sciences in practice in 1997.

Dr. Vojdani has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from McGill University in Canada.   He has authored over 60 technical publications related to electric grid security, reliability, and efficiency.  He has conducted numerous technical seminars and workshops on topics related to utility business transformation, systems integration, and demand response. He has played leadership roles in several industry conferences, including the Utility Integration Conference (UIC) that he instigated and chaired for over a decade.

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