GridBright to support ENERGISE solar initiative
February 14, 2017
GridBright will leverage the ARPA-E GRID DATA Repository to support integration of solar into the nation’s electric grid.
GridBright, Inc. announced today that it is part of three of the thirteen projects selected for award negotiations by the DOE SunShot Initiative ENERGISE; a $30M program to support integration of solar energy into the nation’s electric grid, while diversifying the nation’s electricity sources and improving the reliability and security of the electric grid.
The three projects represent collaborations among a large number of leading-edge companies including several utilities, technology vendors, national labs, consulting companies, and universities. In all three projects, GridBright will perform the role of Project Data Curator to assist in data collection, conversion, integration, management, and publication. This includes hosting a secure data collaboration platform to facilitate data sharing among the project teams, and preserving research results as open source data and software in the GRID DATA Repository.