January 22, 2018 – Distributech UU Courses on OMS and DERMS
October 5, 2017
GridBright will be teaching Utility University courses on OMS and DERMS at Distributech 2018
UU 207: The Future of Outage Management Systems (#20150)
This course covers emerging capabilities of OMS such as the use of social media for outage analysis and communications, mobile devices, damage assessment, data standardization, data analytics and integrated DMS. The course is instructed by experts who provide use case examples of emerging technology. A comprehensive case study will be presented to facilitate the learning experience, as well as provide real-world proof of how OMS technologies are changing.
UU 305: Implementing DERMS to Meet the Challenges of Distributed Resources Integration (#20144)
This course provides background information and utility experience related to distributed energy resources management systems (DERMS)—the emerging computer applications that can help electric utilities better manage the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources (DER), including distributed generation (DG), distributed storage (DS), electric vehicles (EV), demand response (DR) and microgrids. Two expert instructors will provide first-hand knowledge related to developing DERMS solutions, market research and implementation experiences at several utilities. The manager of Grid Integration & Innovation at Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) will share real-life experiences with DER challenges and solutions.