GridBright Provides CEATI A Roadmap for Integrating DERs
A new case study shows how one Canadian utility developed a strategy for its growing DER penetration challenges.
Alamo, CA – GridBright and CEATI have published a new case study report developed in collaboration with FortisAlberta: “A Roadmap for Improving Maturity of DER Management at Distribution Utilities”.
FortisAlberta ( is a large distribution utility in Alberta, Canada. Renewables currently account for a little less than 20% of generation, but the government has set a goal of 30% by 2030. They are seeing growth and operational challenges coming from a significant new influx of distributed energy resources (DERs) connecting to their distribution system.
The new report describes the methodology and conclusions of a project to create a technology roadmap for FortisAlberta. The roadmap identifies technology requirements, gaps, and recommendations to address the increasing penetration of DERs within their service territory. The project demonstrates the use of the DER Maturity Model framework and methodology developed by GridBright and CEATI and published in a previous report – “Impacts of DER on Distribution Operations”.
“The methodology provided by GridBright and CEATI really helped us understand the extent of operational impacts we can expect as our DER volumes grow,” said Gary Donald, the Director of System Operations at FortisAlberta. “This roadmap provides clarity on where we need to invest in technology and improve our processes to be ready for the coming challenges.”
GridBright led the work for CEATI with funding support from FortisAlberta, American Electric Power, BC Hydro, San Diego Gas & Electric, and Tennessee Valley Authority. The study assessed their current DER maturity level, identified the major impact areas as DER penetration increases, and outlined a set of recommendations to improve operational capabilities. The solutions range from simple technology upgrades, to more dramatic system architecture and work process changes to support higher DER penetration rates.
The final 130-page report serves as a case study example of how utilities can assess their own DER readiness and create a custom roadmap to guide their operational improvement strategies. An abstract is available here..
About CEATI | The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) is an international user-driven organization committed to providing technology solutions to its electrical utility participants, who are brought together to collaborate and act jointly to advance the industry through the sharing and developing of practical and applicable knowledge. To learn more, visit